We have been busy, which is why I haven't posted anything for five months!!! We celebrated all of the holidays, I'm pregnant, My BABY is almost a year and a half!! I will just post a bunch of pictures to catch you up on most everything that has happened, then I promise I will start blogging regularly!!
We carved pumpkins for Halloween!!
We decorated for Christmas waaaaaaay early, On November 15th. Zach and I love The holidays, so we want to make them start as soon as possible!
Thanksgiving 2010!! We are so thankful for our family and friends!! We didn't take any pics at thanksgiving except for of the food, wich is the most important part, right?!!
Christmas 2010!! Zander got a quad from santa, and he loved it that morning, but since then has been pretty leary of it for some reason!! Santa also gave us a visit, and Zander hated every minute of it!! I guess old men with white beards are scary!!
We got a pair of hair cutting clippers, so daddy gets to cut Zanders hair now!! He likes it!

We finally found something that Zander ACTUALLY likes to eat!!! Spaghetti!!!

We took a trip to the zoo!! Zanders favorite part was the petting zoo and running around the splash pad in just his diaper(we din't bring him a swim suit because we didn't know they had a splash pad)!!

Zoey Rebecca Zeigler will be here in May!!! We are pretty excited and busy getting everything ready for her to be here!!

That is pretty much, in a nut shell, what we have been up to the past 5 months!!!! We are having fun and loving life!!!