The birthday boy all dressed up like daddy for Halloween!!!
Mummy hot dogs!!!
Spider and skeleton cupcakes made by me with the much appreciated help of my sister and mom!!!!
Stephanie, KAI and Jaxon!! Stephanie and Kai were fishermen and Jaxon was nemo!!
Birthday boy with grandma!!
Friends!!! We love our friends!! So many of them came to help us celebrate!!!
There was such a good turn out of people, thank you to everyone who took time out of their lives to party with us!!!
Zander hitting his witch pinata!!!
Before he dug into his cupcake!!!
After he ate the cupcake!!! He loves his sweets, can't get him to eat anything, but he will eat cake!!!!
We love our friends and family!!! Happy birthday to my baby boy Zander!!! He will always be my baby!!!
Ahh it looks like you guys had sooo much fun!!! We are sorry we missed it! Can't believe he is already 1! Where does the time go?
You guys throw great parties- thanks again for the invite!
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