Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fun times with daddy!!!!

Zander LOVES playing with his daddy!! He is so bored with Mom by the time zach gets home from work or school that he LOVES everything daddy does with him!!! Here are some fun things that daddy does regularly with his boy!!!

They do horsey rides around the house!! Zander just laughs and laughs the whole time!!

Zach throws Zander in the air!! Sometimes a little too high for Zanders liking!!!

He pulls Zander around the house in the laundry basket!!! Zander loves it sooooooo much as you can see from the last picture!!!

Zander also loves to ride around on zachs shoulders!!! He always has the biggest smile on his face!! Zach doesn't like it as much because by the end of it he has a puddle of drool on his head!!
We love our boy and will do anything to get a laugh out of him!!! It makes our day that much happier when we hear him do his cute little chuckle!!

1 comment:

Shay said...

That is ADORABLE! I am so jealous...